I have been on my healing journey for 14 years now, and one of the things that I have discovered is that certain issues have layers. And this is certainly the case for me. About a month ago, I realised that I had lost my ability to receive. AGAIN!!!! Which is bullshit because I’ve, like, worked on this forever. So how did I make this startling discovery?


In an effort to have more “me time”, I have started a morning ritual.

I brew myself a Chai every morning and I draw an oracle card to get a message from the Universe on what I need to know for that day. At the moment, I am using a beautiful deck called Chakra Mindset Balance Oracle Cards. They are probably the best Chakra Oracle Cards that I have come across.

I draw a card, read the meaning in the little booklet and journal what comes up for me. (I find that the Kikki K 365 Days journal is best for this exercise. Because it allows you to start anywhere in the year. Not just January 1)

My Morning Ritual

My Limiting Beliefs

For two days in a row, I drew the card “Receptive to Others”. Because obviously, I hadn’t gotten the full message on the first day. So I really started looking at the words in the booklet. Below is the conversation that I had with myself as I read the card’s message. The italics part are my responses to the statements

  • Know that it is safe to allow others into your life (nope. No, it’s not)

  • Being fully receptive of others starts with self-acceptance (yep got that) and love (nope, that one’s dropped off again)

Receptive to Others
  • Once you are comfortable and accept all aspects of yourself (well, I accept all aspects of myself but I’m not comfortable with myself. WTF???)

  • It’s time to release what no longer serves you (but I don’t want to. I’m scared of my brilliance. Aaaaarrrggghhhhh Come on!!! Are you serious? Where is this coming from?????)


I then started to see if I was holding any limiting beliefs around being able to receive. Here are just a few of the ones that I found

  • I allow myself to receive – no

  • I can receive from the universe – no

  • I can receive from Tim – no

  • I can receive abundance – no

  • I am deserving – no

I couldn’t believe it!!! I have worked and worked on being able to receive. Why has it all of a sudden switched off again?


A couple of days after I had gotten these insights it was my birthday, and I knew that it was going to be a very difficult day for me. Everyone wishing me Happy Birthday. And here I am not being able to receive. Yup, a great place to be in. So I got up early and did some free journaling to try and understand what was going on?

  • Do I deserve anything special? No (well that sucks)

  • Why can’t I receive? (Because my ego is punishing me. Why? Why God damn you???)

Why cant I receive

One of the reasons my inability to receive got triggered was because of an incident two weeks before my birthday. That day, I was doing nothing special. Just lazing at home, trying to paint a birthday card for someone who I knew wouldn’t appreciate it. But would expect it and be hugely offended if I didn’t paint one for them. Great motivation hey? Yeah you betcha I struggled trying to paint that card.

Plus my ego didn’t want me to paint. Why? Because it didn’t want me to be successful at something. It wanted me to still believe that I was crap and not creative at all. I knew that I needed to do some corrections on myself.

  • Around being able to receive

  • Getting my ego on board with my creativity and my painting


So I started to do corrections on myself. Here are some more limiting beliefs that I found during this process

  • I am willing to accept Bliss – No

  • I am open, free, ready, willing, able, safe, worthy, supported, deserving, available and committed to receiving – No

  • I realise that I am allowed to be abundant – No

I also realised that I wasn’t accepting my Divine Feminine nature. And my Yin and Yang aspects were completely out of balance.

Blocked to receiving Abundance

In total, I did 6 healings on this issue. Four of them were straight Kinesiology, which I did on myself. One was an energy healing from my mentor. And the final one was a Prosperity energetic healing from The Universe.

All of the limiting beliefs that I found have now been cleared. And I am completely able to receive again. Which feels great. I am excited about where life is going to take me. Because it’s only going to get bigger and brighter from here on in

If I was to answer those questions from above, they are now:

  • Know that it is safe to allow others into your life (Totally)

  • Being fully receptive of others starts with self-acceptance (yep got that) and love (yep got that too)

  • Once you are comfortable and accept all aspects of yourself (Yes on both fronts)

  • It’s time to release what no longer serves you (I’m so ready to release what no longer serves me. Bring it on!!!)


Here are some of the insights that I have gained from this whole process

  1. Life sucks when you block your ability to receive

  2. Making time for yourself is really really important. If I hadn’t have adopted my morning ritual (Chai, pull a card as a message from the Universe & Journaling said message), I wouldn’t have gained the insights or the healings. I would have continued going about my day ignorantly unaware of the beliefs that were holding me back

  3. If you are feeling, stuck, blocked or numb – Don’t ignore it. Do something about it. A good practitioner will be able to help you identify the blocks holding you back and correct them so that you are open and completely committed to achieving your desires

Prosperity Energy Healing – A Gift from the Universe

The Prosperity Energy Healing that I did is a gift from the Universe. The Universe asked me to channel it for everyone. And I found it to be the essential final piece in my healing journey around receiving abundance. You can access this healing here.

Who am I? I am a Psychic Kinesiologist. I use my Kinesiology training and my psychic talents to identify the reasons why you are not living the life of your dreams

If you want to know more, then check out the rest of my website. If you want to know how Kinesiology can change your life then check out my landing page. If you are wondering how Kinesiology works and why it’s so awesome, visit the what is Kinesiology page. My what I specialise in page details the areas that I love to work on. If you would like to know a bit more about me, then this is the page for you

Want to ditch all of that and go straight to booking a session, send me a message or call me 0419 271 394

xXx Liesl

Liesl Frank Holistic Kinesiologist